GeneXus ERP Connector for SAP
Introduction to the development of mobile applications connected to SAP ERP with GeneXus
Presentation of GeneXus as a software development tool, and the way in which it allows developing mobile applications that take their data from a SAP ERP installation, with the possibility to change them. A brief description of the underlying architecture is provided. In addition, the demo included in the following videos is presented.
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Creating a mobile application with GeneXus to work with the SAP ERP materials - Part 5
We complete development of the panel, to show the materials obtained from the bapi corresponding to the SAP ERP. We test it in runtime, on an Android emulator.
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Creating a mobile application with GeneXus to work with the SAP ERP materials - Part 1
The purpose is to build a mobile application with GeneXus that will enable us to work with information that is stored and managed by an instance of SAP ERP (materials, customers and requests for sales).
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Creating a mobile application with GeneXus to work with the SAP ERP materials - Part 3
After the Business Object Material is imported with the GETLIST method of the SAP ERP, we start to program the GeneXus procedure that will use it. In this video, we focus on the first step: how to connect to the ERP. To do so, we use the GXEnterpriseSessionManager object.
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Creating a mobile application with GeneXus to work with the SAP ERP materials - Part 2
We connect to the SAP ERP to explore the bapis and import, to GeneXus, those we are interested in. In our case, the GETLIST method of the Business Object Material, which may be tested prior to importing. We can see what is imported in GeneXus, specifically the GXEnterpriseSessionManager object, to make the connection in runtime.
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How to view the detailed information of a selected material
When the user selects a line on the panel listing the materials, we want to show the general and cost information on the material selected. To do so, we implement another panel where we will have to import another method for the same business object Material of the SAP ERP: the one that enables us to obtain the details on the material.
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Creating a mobile application with GeneXus to work with the SAP ERP materials - Part 4
Starting with the GeneXus procedure that connects to the SAP ERP desired, we see how to use the GETLIST method of the Material bapi imported from the ERP, considering error management.
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How to implement an input menu for the mobile application
We see how we implemented an input menu for the application that is slidable and offers two options: go to the panel that shows the list of materials we implemented in the initial videos, or go to another panel, fully analogous, that shows the list of customers and enables us to view the detailed information relative to any customer.
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How to enter a sales order in SAP ERP from the mobile application created with GeneXus
Starting with an application that has a "Work With" Sales Orders already implemented (it will be shown), the possibility to enter a new sales order in the SAP ERP database will be added. The implementation of this feature will be explained in detail.
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Introduction to the development of mobile applications connected to SAP ERP with GeneXus
Presentation of GeneXus as a software development tool, and the way in which it allows developing mobile applications that take their data from a SAP ERP installation, with the possibility to change them. A brief description of the underlying architecture is provided. In addition, the demo included in the following videos is presented.
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